Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mother's Day Favorite Things

A few of my new and not so new favorite things
Coconut Body Butter-The Body Shop
Strawberry-Raspberry Orange Julius
Time to Plant Flowers outside
Chloe Narcisse Cologne
Summer Clothing
Microfiber Cloths
Q-tips to apply eye makeup
Candles, Candles,Candles
Buttercream Vanilla Air Freshners
Pearls, I love Pearls
Babies, I love my grandbabies

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Greer Does Well at State Republican Convention, Places 2nd on the Ballot

We have had a very busy last several weeks. We met with delegates throughout the second congressional district and prepared for the State Republican Convention. This convention was held Saturday, March 15 in Albuquerque, NM. This was an important step as it allowed those who received 20% of the total delegate vote in the district to get on the ballot.
Earl received 33 delegate votes and tied with another candidate, a drawing took place and Earl won 2nd on the ballot, another candidate received 40 delegate votes. We are pleased and excited that we are doing so well with our Grassroots for Greer message.
Our children have been a great help, Danielle was elected a delegate in Valencia county and attended the State convention along with Logan. That was the first time she had been a delegate. Alysha and Savannah are a tremendous help traveling around with us and keeping us informed of all the articles in the various newspapers across the district, Brooke is maintaining our website and Liam is at her side giving his input!! Justin is also a part of things even though he is far away, he and Rebecca are helping with their prayers and supportive words.
We are working hard to raise money and continue with our message to the voters. Earl is a constant in a sea of chaos and people are listening.......