Monday, June 9, 2008

Another Grandbaby Due in January

We are so excited. We will have our 4th grandbaby in January of 2009. Justin and Rebecca are expecting a baby. I will say right now, I think it is going to be a girl!! Rebecca will find out her due date next week at her first doctor's appointment. We need to even out the numbers, two girls and two boys! Sounds great. I also think twins would be great, that way Lori and I can each have one....:)
Earl is back to work after a long campaign. I am going to start working out, so I can keep up with all these grandbabies. We hope everyone will get to be here for Christmas this year. We hope to also have a family picture with all the babies in it.
Savannah is growing so fast. She is 16 months old. She will be having eye surgery June 19th. She is crawling and learning lots of new things, she even said Nana, yes, Nana!!!
Liam is almost 11 months old. He is also growing so fast. He will be a year old next month, how time has flown. He is a cutie and you can view more pictures of him and Savannah on their parent's blogs. Logan is almost 8 months old. He is also a cutie and growing fast, he has a great disposition. All the babies have the sweetest personalities, they are fun and happy babies.
When the world gets crazy, and I would say it is crazy right now, these babies are the bright spot of my life! They bring me joy, happiness and hope for the future. We know these babies have been saved to come forth at this time because of their valiant spirits. They will need to be valiant throughout their lives to counter the temptations of the world and the evils around us. But, we know that Heavenly Father has sent each of us here for a purpose. It is up to us to find that purpose and to help these young babies also know their purpose and potential within themselves.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Good Morning, well disappointedly we did not win the Primary election for Congress. We worked hard, we did a grassroots campaign, but unfortunately, it was not successful. We did not raise millions, we did not raise hundreds of thousands of dollars, we were conservative. That is what people said they wanted. They wanted to rein in Congress's spending which is out of control.
What people seem to need is a constant flow of commercials, radio advertising, and tons of direct mailings to be able to "learn" about the candidate. People, in my opinion are too lazy to actually search out for themselves and learn about the candidate. They instead rely on paper materials, TV commercials and feel good radio advertising. Most of the people that vote, do not educate themselves. It's like in the grocery store, the products that are placed close to the check out line, these are last minute enticements you might be inclined to purchase because you are waiting and looking at them and decide, I probably need this....I think people act the same way in politics.
For the first time in my life since I have been old enough to vote, I will be voting for a Democrat, maybe more than one. I am not being sour grapes, I am actually being informed. I am an educated voter, I always have been, so when I make this statement, I know for certain why I will be voting for a Democrat or two and not for a Republican.
People have said all throughout this campaign, they want change, well actually, they don't. Why do I say that, because they vote for the SAME OLD THING, the same type of person they just said they hated and for someone who won't support what they said they wanted.
Frustrated is how I feel. The better man did not win this time around. But in the end, I still have the Best Man and for that I feel tremendously blessed.
We have met some wonderful people and I am also grateful for that. I have also seen many things that I am not very proud of, including, how people act and how fake they are. I have said from day one that not everyone has Integrity. Integrity isn't sold on a store shelf, you can't buy it, you either have it or you don't. You can't turn it off and on like a light switch. I can share with you, that not one of the other candidates in the 2nd congressional district race had integrity...
Now, I look forward to a new grandbaby next year and watching all "4" of my grandbabies grow up. Hopefully we will have the kind of leadership they deserve for their futures!