Thursday, November 29, 2012

2 New Granddaughters and much more!

Wow, you shouldn't procrastinate doing things, because now I am a year behind in posting updates to my blog.
Since my last post, we have two new granddaughters!  Brigette Joely Greer born July 20 (on Liam's birthday).  She is a little doll!  and Elizabeth Audrey Wittwer, born October 23 right between Aunt Alysha's birthday and brother Ben's birthday.  Elizabeth is beautiful as well!  Earl and I were able to visit them in November in Springfield, VA.  What a joy this family is to be around.  They do the cutest thing every night.  They ask the boys what was your "apple" today, your "jalapeno" and your "onion".  Apple, something happy, Jalapeno, something really great, onion, something that made them sad or wasn't good.  Brooke and Will also give their apple, jalapeno and onion report and when we visit, we give ours as well.  Obviously our jalapeno was being there with everyone!
Savannah turned 5 in February and started Kindergarten.  Liam turned 5 in July and started kindergarten this year.  Logan turned 5, but not until October so he missed the September 1st deadline and has to wait another year.  His daycare provider is working with him on kindergarten stuff everyday sort of being homeschooled and he is excelling like crazy.  All the kids like school, which is awesome!  Ben has a hard time not getting to go to school like Liam, but Brooke keeps him busy with other activities like gymnastics which Ben loves. 
Carrie turned 3 in January and started preschool twice a week and loves it, wasn't sure about it at first.  She is also a big helper and "babysitter" for baby sister Brigette, she babysits while Mom is busy and does a terrific job.  Carrie loves Barbies, and so does Savannah (that's fun because I still like playing with Barbies).
Bella will turn 2 December 10. What a funny little girl she is.  She has this sort of husky little laugh and twinkle in her eye.  She is very loving and "runs" the house and loves her big brother Logan.  She is a beautiful little girl with these big brown eyes.  Rugby turned 2 September 14(same day as his dad's birthday).  He is all little boy, loves doing everything his dad does and likes to follow Michael around and "help". He is very loving and happy with a big grin on his face! 
So we have 9 grandchildren 5 and under and two grandchildren one is 15 which is Shylah and Coleton who is 11.  They are both growing up fast.  Shylah had her first date to Homecoming this year and is getting or has her learner's permit, heaven help us!  Coleton and Logan both love to go hunting with their dad.  They both love sports and are good athletes! 
I have 4 of the greatest kids and 3 of the greatest son in laws and 1 great daughter in law.  I feel very blessed.  My kids are good to Earl and I and I love them so much and having these precious grandbabies truly is the light of my life (next to Earl, of course).
Earl and I will be married 36 years December 18th.  I love and appreciate the great man he is, the great father and husband he is and always has been!
May 2013 bring all the blessings we could hope for as a family!

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